
We get plenty of questions and while we’ve tried to address the most common ones here, don’t hesitate to contact us for the information you’re looking for!

What is “solar potential”?

Solar potential refers to qualities a home has that are needed for generating solar energy using solar technologies.  A home with high solar potentials will have the sunlight, low installation cost and privacy needed to profitably, and legally, generate electricity using solar technologies.

How rare are homes with solar potentials?

In general, less than 30% of the homes in the suburban marketplace offer profitable solar potentials.  This number is unlikely to change until we make an effort to build homes specifically designed to harvest sunshine.

Do older home’s have solar potentials?

While we focus on new construction, solar potentials can be found in the existing home market but trees that have been growing for years will often provide enough shade to bring solar efficiencies down substantially.  While you can simply cut the trees down, it isn’t cheap and some HOAs won’t allow it.

How much extra is a home with exceptional solar potentials worth?

Generally, 3% premiums can be placed on homes with “Exceptional” solar potentials, 2% for “Grade A” homes and 1% for “Grade B” homes.  This is all based on profits that an efficiently operated solar array will generate at today’s energy cost but as the cost of electricity rises, so will the value of your solar potentials! Because electricity isn’t free, the resources used to generate won’t be either!

How are we predicting profitability?

Our numbers are based on statistical averages commonly found on the  internet.  These statistics tend to vary but taking conservative averages gives us the following…the average energy bill in the US for a 2000sq/ft home is roughly $150 a month, the life span of the average solar panel is 25 years, the average solar array cost $20K and the average payback period is conservatively placed at 12 years.  Using these averages, an  investment in solar technology today will net 12 years or so of free electricity worth just under $22k, a figure reached using today’s energy cost!

That’s a return of roughly 5% a year which is comparable to other “safe” financial investment instruments available today.  But, while it’s easy to put a dollar figure to the amount of electricity an efficient solar array can produce, you can’t put a dollar value on carbon offsetting (yet) and energy independence!

While the numbers above are averages, each home will present different challenges but these numbers are realistic and the financial rewards reasonable.  However, what we’re really investing in here is the future value of electricity and one can safely assume that it’s going nowhere but up, making the efficient use of solar technologies one of the safest investments out there!

Why don’t we grade ground based systems?

Ground based systems cost more to construct and many HOAs prohibit them.  Besides that, they get in the way which isn’t practical for most homeowners.

What is “energy independence”?

The ability to efficiently produce enough electricity to be independent of our electrical grid is known as energy independence.

Do we consider tax incentives when certifying solar potentials?

No.  Incentives will change over time, making them an unreliable way to rate a home’s a long term solar potential.  Any qualified solar tech supplier should know what the current local incentives are and understand how to apply for them.

Is there any on-going maintenance concerns in homes with solar potentials?

No, solar potentials have absolutely no impact on a home’s maintenance needs, won’t wear out or become irrelevant due to style or trend.  Solar potentials simply “just are” and in general, they’re randomly distributed throughout our neighborhoods.

Do we sell or service Solar Panels?

No.  Solar technology is changing too quickly for us to stay relevantly professional in the field of installing and servicing solar panels.

Do we offer real estate services beyond the solar potential certifications?

No, we don’t represent parties involved in the buying or selling of real estate.

Efficient Living, Inc, dba Madhouse is a franchise company and as such, each office is independently owned and operated. Copyright ©2024 Efficient Living Inc. Efficient Living Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and supporter of the Fair Housing Act.